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Complete Guide to Planning your Garden
  • Complete Guide to Planning your Garden

    This mini course will help you evolve from being a trial and error gardener to a full fledged gardener. It will help you understand the Science - the Why and How things work in your vegetable garden.


    Many gardeners spend years throwing seeds in the ground and praying that things works.


    Learning some basic fundamentals helps you go from plant and pray gardener to a scientific and empowered vegetable grower

    • Five modules in this course

      1. Garden Planning: This module gives you the tools to create an effective garden plan.                                                                                               

      2. Seasons in the Garden: Learn about how daylight, temperature and heat impact how we grow our vegetables, when to grow different types of vegetables and the differences between cold tolerant and heat loving plants.                                                                                                     

      3. Plant Hardiness Zones:  Learn what a plant hardiness zone is. Why knowing your plant hardiness zone is important to you as gardener and how to find out what yours is .                                                                                                 

      4. Growing Requirements: How your plant’s growing requirements impact how you design and plan your garden. Additionally, learn how to prep your garden for planting                                                                                                                                          

      5. Watering: Yes there is a science to watering correctly! It’s not good enough to spray with a hose over the plants as too      much  moisture creates  conditions for disease


      Bonus: Exercise sheets avaliable for each module to help deepen the understanding of the fundamentals

    • This mini course will help you:

      1. Learn to plan your vegetable garden for the season in a few simple steps                                                                                                         

      2. Plan your space and what to grow based on the conditions in your garden                                                                                                                    

      3. Dive deeper into vegetable plant families.Learning about one family helps understand the science of growing all vegetables in that specific family.                                                         

      4. Know the differences between cold tolerant vs heat loving vegetables and when to grow them.                                                   

      5. Learn to use a planting chart for different vegetables                                                                                                    

      6. Identify different micro-climates within your growing space and know how to grow different vegetables in each micro-climate.                                                                                                             

      7. Learn the best temperatures for germination of seeds                                                                                         

      8. Learn to water correctly and effectively! What correct watering practices do for oxygenation of the soil and growth of roots


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